The New Year is Upon Us!

So, yup. As I write this, I am officially 14 minutes into the new year. How do I feel? No different than 15 minutes ago, when it was still 2006. How did I spend the night, you may ask? Partying? Drinking? Enjoying the company of some fine hookers… er… ladies of the night?

Nope, none of that for me. In fact, I think this is the least-celebrated New Years I’ve ever had. Usually, I at least do something with my family or friends. Last year, I think I was at one of my friend’s house, and we watched the New Year’s Ball in Times Square drop and played some Halo. The year before, I think my family went to Conway, where they had a little New Years downtown. But this year, there was none of that hullabaloo for me.

I sat at home and watched TV, until about 11:30, then I got on my computer and wrote my friend a message on Facebook. That lasted until about 11:55 (yeah, it really was that long), when I got on MSN Messenger/IRC to wish everyone I knew a Happy New Years.

All in all, a rather boring night, I must admit. And after all that, I still feel the exact same as I did at now 24 minutes ago, when it was still good ‘ole 2006.

I hope all of you who read this had a much more exciting New Years than I, and you also have a wonderful 2007.

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