Hey Internet. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, huh? I don’t really have a good reason other than laziness, so I’m not going to bore you with the details. School’s been going pretty well. Classes are boring. Doing lots of things with friends is not. In fact, it’s quite awesome. I’m going to two amazing concerts in the coming few days, and if I’m not extremely lazy, then expect some posts about those.
But that is not the subject of this post.
<- This man is.
If you don't recognize the face, it is that of Jack Thompson, Attorney at Law; activist against violent video games.
Until today, that is. As of today, he is Jack Thompson, crazy person. In thirty days, he will no longer a member of the Florida Bar Association, as the Florida Supreme Court has ruled him to be disbarred. He has the thirty days to deal with any current clients, and there is a chance for a re-trial, but in order for that to happen, a member in good standing with the Florida Bar Association has to submit the case. And let’s be honest: there’s not many people who want to risk their careers on Jack Thompson.
Oh, did I mention he’s crazy:
The timing of this disbarment transparently reveals its motivation: This past Friday Thompson filed a federal civil rights action against The Bar, the Supreme Court, and all seven of its Justices. This rush to disbarment is in retribution for the filing of that federal suit. With enemies this foolish, Thompson needs only the loyal friends he has.