The Evils that are the AP tests begin to surface.

So yeah, the great evils that are the AP tests are already starting to ruin our lives. And by this I mean we had to take a FULL LENGTH AP English test today. So, if I appear slightly insane, then it’s because the stupid test has caused my brain to short circuit. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it was still pretty tough. I pretty much just BS’d all three of my essays. And I hate you e. e. cummings, may you be forever cursed.

Other than that, there hasn’t been much else happening lately. I did this report on Modest Mussorgsky for GT Seminar. (I <3 Wikipeida, it has to be the best source for information ever) It took like 15 minutes. I’ll proabaly take Night on Bald Mountain to play for the class. It is a cool song.

As a side note, I love the “Currently…” feature on Xanga. (And if you’ve never heard the song in my “Currently Listening” thing, then you should go listen to it, but be prepared…)

TV Star!

I guess it's time for an update….

Let's see… AP tests in one week… not looking forward to those… all the AP teachers decided that it's time for a major cram-session…. starting to not care, though…

Friday, we had a quiz-bowl pep-rally. It was really quite dum…. I think (wait, nevermind, I know) that most people just came out to it to get out of class. We had this pseudo-tunnel thing we ran through… more dumness. Many pep-talks were given… again, all of them were pointless. Had a huddle, screamed "DKDC" (if you don't know what that means, then too bad).

Saturday was the day of the Quiz Bowl State Tournament. Got up at about 7:45 (don't know why, had my alarm set for 9:30. I have this thing where if I set my alarm on a weekend, I always get up earlier than what I set the alarm for… it's kinda weird, really. I did it agian on Sunday, too. Had the alarm set for 8, and I woke up at 7:30) Anyways… just sat around for a while not doing much. Then at 11, the whole team got together at Pizza Hut and had pizza. A TON of pizza. Then at 12 we went to the quiz bowl room at school and ran through some practice questions 'til one, when we left for AETN. There we sat around until FIVE. Five friggin' o'clock. WHY THE CRAP DID WE HAVE TO GET THERE SO FRIGGIN' EARLY? So to waste time, I studided my composers and listened to my MP3s.

Then at 4:45, we went to Studio B for the filming of the match. It was about then when the nervousness started to set in. Up to that point, I was pretty mellow, but as soon as we went into the studio, the I just started to get nervous. We did good in the first round, it was like 80(us)-90(Malvern). But then things started slipping in the second round. Malvern got all but one of the questions to get the bonus, and usually got a lot of the bonus. The lightning round was pretty good… and I GOT TO GO IN! The lightning round was operas, and I got 7 of them. The other three were really obscure, and if I say they're obscure then they're obscure. (If you don't believe me, then you can come see my stack of composers study cards.) The last quarter was pretty good, but it wasn't enough to get us the win.

It was pretty dissapointing not winning, but I guess you can't win them all, eh?

Just on the side, I thought I'd show the few people who actually look at my blog this:
Girls are Evil

The Play’s The Thing…

….wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.

Or make you laugh a friggin’ lot. Which ever play you’re talking about.

The one I’m talking about, of course, is the play the students of Morrilton High School put on last night, and man, was is hillarious. Being the sound man for the play was great, and I would have to say that last night was the best preformance, ever. Everything went great. Except the day before, our soundcue CD decided to stop working, so I had to go “Ring, Ring” during the preformance, but it turned out to add to the performance, because it’s so zany, that it worked. So yeah, if you didn’t come see it, then shame on you. You shall be cursed the rest of your days.

Afterwards, the cast and crew had pizza, and listened to random music from my MP3 player and Jason’s iPod, so it was pretty fun. (Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto) The best part was not wanting to leave, but Cody (er..I mean, Mr. Vest), was begging for us to go home.

Well, that’s all for now, this goes out to you, the two people who know about my Xanga.

I Hate Telephones…

So, today was fairly useless. I had to go to play practice, which took about three and a half hours. I don’t really do anything. I’m the sound guy, and I have one four-second soundcue of a telephone ringing at the very end of the play. (Literally, I think there’s about four or five lines after the cue.) So I was pretty bored.

I’m not saying the play is bad, in fact it one of the funniest I’ve ever seen, but it’s just I wish I had more to do instead of just sitting there for 99% of the play and doing nothing.

As a shameless plug, if you live in the Morrilton, AR area, you should come see it. The public performance is Moday, April 17, 2006 at 7:00 PM at H.B. White Auditorium. Come to see a hillarious play written by MHS’s own Jordan Haynes and Bryant Virden, it’s really good, and you’ll get a laugh out of it.

Gaia Online Has a Huge Concentration of Retards

For those of you who don't know, Gaia Online is one of the Internet's largest communities.  In my experiences, it's also one of the Internet's largest concentrations of just plain dumb people.  When I first saw Gaia, I though, "Hey this could be neat, there's a huge community, maybe if I ever just want to have some sort of conversation or get some help or whatever, this'll be a good place to go."  Well, I was wrong.  Nearly all the posts on the first page of General Discussion are like: "ZOMG! I r g@y.  I5 n31 3ls3 g@y 2?" or "1'm EMO" or "1 l0v3 s3xorz."  And the computer stuff isn't much better:  "My computer's broke, fix it for me because I'm a lazy asshole who doesn't know anything about computers or how to fix them, but I expect everyone to know exactly what's wrong with my computer when I give you the most obscure problem and no technical information that you could use to narrow the problem down."  I know I've personally answered a thread about how to edit an MP3 or WAV file at least 4 times.  (And if you don't know, use Audacity)  These people are just plain dumb.  And then when you try to help them but it doesn't turn out right, they hate you with a passion and then make flame-wars about how you're stupid and you don't know anything.  

If you read this and would like to defend the name of Gaia, then by all means leave a comment telling me what I'm missing, and point me in the right direction.  Until then, I consider anyone who actually posts on Gaia frequently a gay emo kid who doesn't know anything about computers. 

*And I know I slightly exaggerated on the thread names, but other than that, it's pretty accurate in my eyes. 

Hollywood Is Stooping to Even Lower Lows

This past week, I was off for Spring Break. I, of course, wasn’t fortunate enough to go somewhere cool like to Cancun or someplace like that, so I stayed at home and did pretty much nothing. I did go to a friend’s house just about everyday during Spring Break, so it wasn’t too bad. I did some work on DOT geek some and it’s coming along quite nicely.

I also went and saw two movies over Spring Break, UltraViolet and The Hills Have Eyes. Now, judging from the title of this post, do you think I thought they were good? Of course they weren’t.

First, let’s start with UltraViolet. This movie was terrible. The story was barely there and what little plot there was just caused the movie to become even dumber. The movie starts out, “I live in a world you may not understand.” And boy does that pretty much sum up the movie. Not only do you not understand it, you don’t want to understand it. The special effects were horrible, as well. Though there were some semi-cool fight scenes, nearly all of the CG looked “fake.” The movie just sucked altogether. I went with a friend and his little brother and his friend, and halfway through the movie, his little brother and friend just got up and told us they were going to go play video games in the arcade because, “this movie sucks!” Earlier, my friend had said, “Hey, this is a pretty good deal. For $24, we pretty much rented the whole theater.” We could soon see why no one else was in the theater.
Nextup for humiliation, The Hills Have Eyes. This one wasn’t much better than Violet, but it was slightly. This one is your standard dessert horror film. The cast is stranded in a desert, and they come upon a gas station manned by the crazy old geezer. Said geezer is under control of the local “mutated-radioactive-zombie-things” that kill all who come through the desert. It was very predictable. Another of my friends who went and saw this movie with me pretty much figured out the plot after 30 minutes, and almost got who would be alive at the end of the movie correct. And for the first hour, the action is so slow. Like, there’s so much story trying to get you attached to the hopless people stranded in the desert, but you just end up thinking, “come on, we know they’re going ot die, just get it over with.” Then when the killing does ensue, it ensues the violence and gore levle of this movie is well in the 8-9 range (out of ten). And there’s blood. Copious amounts of blood. Overall, it was like, “I know this is supposed to be scary, but they try too hard, and it just ends up being dumb.”

I think it was best summed up when my friend who went to both these movies with me said, “I guess we just can’t pick good movies.” It’s not us, though, it’s Hollywood releasing these crap movies and the 29th sequel to a movie no one like in the first place.

Quiz Bowl Regionals

Well, our quiz bowl team won our regionals. W00t!

Ahem….anyway, we did excellently, as most of our scores were around the high-300’s (us) to mid-hundreds (them). And I ran (got all 10 right) a lightning round (answer as many questions out of ten as you can in 60 seconds). And this shows how much of a nerd I am…it was a Computer Acronym round. Oh well. Now we’re going to state!!!

Cram Session

Well, tomorrow (Saturday, 3-11-06), is our Quiz Bowl team’s regionals, and since I’m the “Music and Computers Guy, ” I’ve been having a major cram session tonight. First, I fired up good-ole’ Firefox and loaded Wikipedia. I did a quick seach for Symphonies and easily found a great reference. I did the same for operas and musical, and again, both searches turned out great.

That’s the beauty of Wikipedia. In normal encyclopedias, you wouldn’t find such lists that are great to start your research in, you would have to look up every composer, and even then, you probably wouldn’t get a list as detailed as the Wikipedia ones.

It took me three pages to find out enough information to fill out 111 cards… 111! Try finding 111 card’s-worth of information on sypmhonies, musicals, and operas on three pages in a regular encyclopedia set. I dare you.

So for those of you who don’t believe in the wondors of wiki yet *cough*Jason*cough* learn to love Wiki. Wiki is your friend.

People Who Work at Retail Stores are Retards.

I’ve always thought that those who worked at major retail stores (mainly computer retail shops) are the dregs of society. The retards of the world, if you will. Well, now I have irrefutable proof that this is true.

First of all, one of my computer’s motherboards went out recently because the capacitors expanded and bubbled over (a common problem with the generation of motherboards released with the Pentium IIIs). So I went to the local “mom and pop” store that the computer came from and got a new motherboard. While I was putting the processor in, the clip that holds the heatsink down to the CPU broke. The heatsink is a piece of metal that dissapates the heat, so that your CPU doesn’t catch your house on fire. (Or something like that. For a real definition look here.) It was about 5:00, so the mom and pop store would be closed, so I decided to go to Office Depot.

I didn’t really expect them to have one, but I didn’t want to travel an hour to get to the nearest CompUSA, and I had to do some other stuff, so I decided I would drop by and check at Office Depot. I decided to carry the broken clip with me, to use as a visual.

I walked up to the closest available Sales Associate, and asked him, in clear pronunciation and ennunciation, if they had “a CPU heatsink clilp” (in those exact words). I figured that even someone who wasn’t really very good at computer terms would recognize such key words as CPU and heatsink (at the least, recognize CPU). I even showed him the broken clip.

The man at first gave me a blank look, and then proceeded to do something even more despicable. He opened his mouth and these idiotic phrases proceeded to come out: “What do you use that for, to hold your paper?”

I proceeded to give him the “Are you the most retarded person on Earth?” look, and then explained to him (in the most low-level terms I could come up with while still in awe of how stupid this man was) what you use a CPU Heatsink clip was used for.

Luckily, another Sales Associate, who was fairly knowledgeable in the subject passed by, and the retard recovered himself slightly by asking the other SA for assistance. But of course, they didn’t have one, so I had to go through the ordeal with the retard for nothing. (though it did give me something to write about in my blog, so…whatever)

To remove any kind of sympathy you may have for this man, I’ll include a picture and ask you if you think you would use it to hold paper.

.CPU Heatsink


So, I returned to school today, after getting pretty much all week off last week, and boy do I have a ton of it.

In AP Calculus alone, I have around 50 problems, plus a take-home quiz, plus what we did in class today. In AP English, we were assigned Wuthering Heights to read in two weeks. And in AP Chemistry, we didn’t really have all that much, because our chemistry teacher had her baby. (Congratulations, Mrs. Russell!)

All my other classes are ones that we never get homework in, so that’s good.

Well, that’s all, I’m going to go do my homework for the next few hours or so. (Blast you calculus!)