Author: galador
Bit ‘O Chemistry Humor
Is This Even Explainable?
That Is; Infact, How I “Roll”
Expired Domain
If you tried to visit my lovely site yesterday, you saw that it managed to expire. Apparently, the economic crisis is so bad that domain registrars can’t even send out an email reminder to their customers.
The problem has been solved, though, thanks to the quick action on the part of my webhost.
You may now continue to enjoy the greatness.
Quite A Theory You Have There…

This One’s Totally Shooped

Pretty awesome stuff. Found on this guy’s tumblr. Go thank him.
In other news, I’m done with yet another semester of college. Grades aren’t out until Tuesday, though (I think).
In other other news, irssi + Screen = Awesomeness. Come to think of it, if you use the terminal on *nix at all, Screen is motherfucking awesome..
That, ladies and gentlemen, brings about the end of yet another totally random blog post. In the near future, I might be making more “random” entries of stuff I’ve found whilst browsing our lovely Interbutts.
EDIT: WordPress is making me trip balls, man. I most certainly did not apply the “College Sucks” category to this post when I published it. I only checked the box next to “Flowing Tubes”. I come back, and there it is! Mocking me from it’s snug location in the “From the ____ Department” portion of my blog entry. However, perhaps since I mentioned being done with college it automatically added it? I don’t know, and it’s certainly too late at night (too early in the morning?) to ponder the ramifications of WordPress’s pseudo-AI. For now, I leave you be, WP-9000.
Oh Hai Thar
Hey Internet. It’s me again. I’m sorry I’m so abusive to you. I promise that things are going to get better in our relationship. That I’m going to post more. That I’m not going to ignore you so much. I want the world for you, but I just can’t afford it right now. Just give me a few months, and I’ll get better, you’ll see. I’ll make that big deal with Dirty Jonny, and everything’s going to be better after that. I’ll have the money and we can finally get out of this crappy life. I’ll finally be able to get you those pretty earrings I’ve seen you eye in the Macy’s window. Everything’s going to be grand, Internet! We’ll be so happy!
I’m trying so hard, you gotta believe me. We just gotta make some sacrifices sometimes. Now don’t give me that. I know what you’ve done. I know you had to go your jerk step-dad to ask for money, and I don’t think I even want to know what he made you do to get that two grand. But just give me time. Please. I’m trying’ my hardest to make ends meet. Blame it on this shitty economy we’re in. Time’s all we need now.
It Seems America Has a New President…
Congrats, Obama.
And for your enjoyment / displeasure:
Baby Hugs Made Easy
Found this here. :3
Step One: Find a Baby. Here’s a fine specimen:
Second, ensure the object you found is indeed a baby by employing classic sniffing techniques.
Prepare the baby for hugging by first flattening it:
Fourth: The “paw slide.” This one’s tricksy. You may have to practice this before attempting.
Finally, execute the difficult and patented “hug, smile, and lean” so as to achieve the best photo quality.