This One’s Totally Shooped

Pretty awesome stuff. Found on this guy’s tumblr. Go thank him.

In other news, I’m done with yet another semester of college. Grades aren’t out until Tuesday, though (I think).

In other other news, irssi + Screen = Awesomeness. Come to think of it, if you use the terminal on *nix at all, Screen is motherfucking awesome..

That, ladies and gentlemen, brings about the end of yet another totally random blog post. In the near future, I might be making more “random” entries of stuff I’ve found whilst browsing our lovely Interbutts.

EDIT: WordPress is making me trip balls, man. I most certainly did not apply the “College Sucks” category to this post when I published it. I only checked the box next to “Flowing Tubes”. I come back, and there it is! Mocking me from it’s snug location in the “From the ____ Department” portion of my blog entry. However, perhaps since I mentioned being done with college it automatically added it? I don’t know, and it’s certainly too late at night (too early in the morning?) to ponder the ramifications of WordPress’s pseudo-AI. For now, I leave you be, WP-9000.

Busy Week

Blarg. Today was a really bad day for me. I woke up, felt like shit, and almost fell asleep in every one of my classes.

If that was the end of it, that would be a regular Monday / Wednesday / Friday for me. As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, that’s not all. First, I learned that a project in my “Desktop Decisions Support Technology” class (which roughly translates to English as “How to use Microsoft Excel and Access”) that I thought was due next week is actually due on Wednesday. It’s not that bad (actually, it probably only took me about an hour to get to where I am now, which is one step from completing it; however, to complete that step, I have to wait for someone to message me back on Facebook to tell me how to do that, because our instructor is a douchebag who is shit at explaining things), but I wish I had known about that before this morning (I should have, but I never really looked at the syllabus :|).

Secondly, in my Microeconomics class, I learned our next test is on Friday, which I also though wasn’t until much later. This also means that a ton of homework is going to be due on Aplia (an online homework thing). Looking now, there’s five problem sets due. Last time, I had three due, and it took me about 4 hours. >_< I also have the regular homework that I have to do for Accounting this week, as well. In other news, I'm going to be really busy this week. =/

Another Semester Down

So, finals were last week, which means I’ve completed yet another semester of UCA without dropping out. :P

To celebrate the end of the semester, my roommate and I went and bought Rock Band. We then had a massive Rock band marathon. We bought the game at about 4:30 PM, and continued to play until about six in the morning the next day, with only one break in between for Taco Bell. Basically, it was epic win. Über epic win.

Other than that, I haven’t really been doing much since then. Sleep (lots of it) and going to watch I Am Legend with some of my friends (it’s weird. I may or may not write up a review in the future). That’s basically it.

And in case you were wondering what grades I got, I got 4 A’s and one B (damn you, American Government and Politics!!!).

Worst Week Evar, Mb?

OK, so last week was quite possibly the worst week ever for me. :(

I had four tests: two in American Government and Politics, one in Accounting (the worst class ever), and a listening test in Music Appreciation. On top of that, I had a group presentation in my Government class which meant I had to do a shitton of research to fill in the gaps in my part of the presentation, I had to compile my sources, format them in MLA format, and send them to the person in charge of the Bibliography, and I had to make our group’s PowerPoint.

Overall, it was just a really stressful time over the past week or so for me, and I’m so freaking happy that I finally have some time where I can just sit back and chill. :)