Cardboard Boat Racing

Yup, it’s that time of year again. Team Flower Power keeping it real, defending our title of best team for cardboard boat demolition.

For those of you who don’t believe me, it’s very possible for cardboard to float. In fact, a nearby town hosts a “get together”, if you will, of cardboard boats and puts on cardboard boat racing, demolition, and other assorted venues of merriment.

And yes. This is my third year being involved with these shenanigans. Our team, Flower Power (originally coming from the friend who introduced the art to me… ‘s sister), has won the demolition derby three years in a row personally, and a fourth if you consider the “Dads” team that won it the year before ours. This year’s competition was held on Saturday, July 25 at the famous Sandy Beach.

Pictures and more info after the break.
Continue reading Cardboard Boat Racing

AIM is a Pretty Cool Guy.

Eh lets you send text messages for free and doesn’t afraid of anything.

I’m sure many of you out there have used AIM before. It’s AOL’s ubiquitous instant messenger client that’s used by every 13-year-old girl under the sun.

But did you also know that you can send SMS text messages for free via this wonderful service? Well, ladies and gentlemen, you can, and it’s quite easy to do.

I use Trillian for AIM, so I don’t know the exact procedure from sending a message to someone on the official client, but all you have to do is send a new IM to “+1(phonenumber)”. For example: +15556667777″ would send the text to 1-(555)-666-7777. Easy huh?

I’m not sure if this works outside of the US (I’m guessing probably not), but it’s worth a shot!

Epic Band Lulz

I saw this on a random forum, and thought it was pretty neat, so, I wanted to see how it goes here.

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. If desired, you may “mess with” the image itself.

Use the subtitle of the journal you go to. This will be your #1 hit single from the album. In order to view the subtitle you have to click on the “info” link, and the subtitle will be the italicized text under the title (bold text), which is under the user name. If the subtitle is in a different language and you don’t care to use it, or if its not there, you just click the link again and you’ll find one eventually.


Band: Complete Adventurer
Album: Make This Society Work
#1 Single: “Something will Eventually Give”

EDIT: Because of the new blog engine (and my laziness), all of the comments were deleted from all of the posts. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as most of them were spam, and the actual content ones were few and far between, unfortunately. However, this post originally did have quite a few comments, so they were archived (in plain text format) for you here.