Category: Unadulterated Awesome
The Office
Catching up on what is probably one of my favorite TV shows of recent memory: The Office, Season 5.
Only one question really remains: why didn’t I do this earlier?
Addendum: YouTube sucks and took down a shakey cam clip from The Office I had linked. Fuck ’em.
Don’t Stop Believin’
… Especially you, kids.
Origami Castle
This is incredible:

Wataru Ito, 25, started building the ‘Castle on the Ocean’ when he became bored during his exams. Using only a knife and glue, the art student built an entire cityscape by cutting and folding hundreds of pages of craft paper. The central tower is surrounded by a cathedral, school, theme park, factory and airport and comes complete with electrical lights and a moving train. The finished piece is now being displayed for the first time at an exhibition on the island of Umihotaru, near Tokyo, Japan. But Wataru, a second year student at Tokyo University of the Arts, says he will set his work on fire when the show is over. He said: “I am devoted while I am working on my projects but I quickly lose interest when I complete them. “When the exhibition is over I will burn the castle. “I thought I could see it rising up from the ashes if I took a video and played it backwards.”
Props, man. Props.
I have found the pinnacle of moviefilm directorial skills, and his name is Noboro Iguchi. After cult classics like The Machine Girl, one wonders how you could get any greater. I believe that he may have surpassed that movie with this one: