Hey Internet. It’s me again. I’m sorry I’m so abusive to you. I promise that things are going to get better in our relationship. That I’m going to post more. That I’m not going to ignore you so much. I want the world for you, but I just can’t afford it right now. Just give me a few months, and I’ll get better, you’ll see. I’ll make that big deal with Dirty Jonny, and everything’s going to be better after that. I’ll have the money and we can finally get out of this crappy life. I’ll finally be able to get you those pretty earrings I’ve seen you eye in the Macy’s window. Everything’s going to be grand, Internet! We’ll be so happy!
I’m trying so hard, you gotta believe me. We just gotta make some sacrifices sometimes. Now don’t give me that. I know what you’ve done. I know you had to go your jerk step-dad to ask for money, and I don’t think I even want to know what he made you do to get that two grand. But just give me time. Please. I’m trying’ my hardest to make ends meet. Blame it on this shitty economy we’re in. Time’s all we need now.