Halo 3 Beta

So, I was actually going to make a “real” blog entry about my findings so far with the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta, but since I was in the “Friends and Family” program, I got it five days earlier than most. Because of that, I got asked tons of questions, and I even was asked an impromptu interview by my friend Jason (some of you may be more familiar with the name Nofirefrog). It is this interview which explores most of my thoughts about the beta, so I’m reproducing it here (with minor edits for grammar, etc.). Questions by Jason are in bold, while replies are in italics.

How’s the beta?
It’s nice.
That’s succinct…
ROFL. I don’t know how to explain it, really. It’s… uh… Halo?
Is there too much to think about? Like all the new stuff? An FPS shouldn’t be too complicated.
Basically, I think it’s fairly close to Halo 2, but with minor game play tweaks (like the new equipments). And a major graphics update.
And the control scheme is about the same, but different. (ed’s note: Almost everything is the same except picking up and reloading weapons, and deploying the new equipment.)
Have you stared at water like Frankie suggested?
The water effects are pretty sweet.
Cool. Do the benefits of the man cannon outweigh the risk of a sniper going at you?
I was sniped out at least once while “man cannonnering.”
But is it worth the risk?
Hrm… I haven’t played enough to give a definite answer.
OK. Does the spartan laser dominate maps? Is it too powerful?
The spartan laser is pretty strong, but it’s kinda hard to aim, and you have to charge it for a while.
So you think its effectively balanced?
Good deal. Whats your favorite power up?
Probably the bubble shield.
Have you played with it, or did you just try to use it effectively?
Both. Also, at the bases on snowbound, there are shields protecting the doors.
I have seen these.
Which would make CTF/etc much “harder.” I like ‘em though.
Speaking of CTF, the flag does not bounce, right?
I haven’t played a CTF, yet.
:/ You slayer nub.
I have played VIP and Territories. And regular slayer.
Still a slayer nub, just a directed one. Anyway, back to power ups. Did you find anything cool with the bubble shield?
Like what kind of “cool”?
That’s up to you, but have you seen if it gets boosted upward with say a portable grav lift, or the man cannon…?
I’ve yet to see if that occurs, so… no comment
Maybe you should do that, and get back to us. You didn’t play much H1 did you?
I’ve played it on PC. But very little on Xbox.
Right. Death Island ftw! So, what are you impressions of the pistol?
There is no pistol in the beta, or if there is, it’s very well hidden.
Favorite weapon?
I like the AR (ed’s note: Assault Rifle). I actually take that back. I like the beat down the best. It’s much more “balanced”, I guess. Much more to what you would think a 7-ton spartan would be able to do.
Is that dreaded lunge gone?
There is some lunge, but it’s basically gone.
That seems nice. I’m assuming there is still no fall damage?
Nope. (ed’s note: But it has been discovered that there are “fall timers” that cause an auto death if you’re in the air for too long. This is to prevent people from superbouncing during matchmaking.)
You mentioned the AR, is it the more go to weapon? Or does the BR still hold that spot? Or some other weapon?
For long range, I think the BR is still a good weapon, but when you’re closer-to-medium range, I think the AR takes the cake.
Well said. In regards to the BR, have you tried to see if you can still perform those MLG moves… the BXR, double shot, etc?
No BXR. I think I tried Double Shot, and it didn’t work either. At least not in terms of Halo 2 workings.
But possibly some other way that remains to be seen… Who knows?
What was your favorite Halo 2 MP map, and what is your favorite beta map?

Halo 2 -> You’re putting me on the spot, cause I can never remember names… erm… the smallish-covenent-looking one with the grav lift, and and “outside” area
Halo 3 -> I think I like Snowbound the best

With tree and the phrophet?
That’s it. Just to get some scale, can you compare the size of the 3 beta maps to some H2 maps… I can help with H2 names if you need them.
Valhala is probably the biggest of the three maps, but it’s definitely not as big as Coag (ed’s note: Coagulation)
Either that, or the Chief can walk faster.
That might have been my next question.. ;)
I’d say Valhalla is roughly the size of Relic. But not islandish :P
OK, good. Snowbound?
On the smaller side of medium. Umm…
Slightly larger than turf?
Maybe about the size of Desolation.
OK, that would make sense. And Higher Ground?
Higher Ground is on the larger side of Medium. Mmm… Making me think hard about the sizes of H2 maps :P
Yup, making you earn that F&F. (ed’s note: F&F = Friends and Family program.)
Tombstone size, maybe.
OK. Any shout outs you want to say?
Depends on where this is going ¬_¬
LOL? ;)
Well, basically, I’d forget to name people, and then they’d be all mad, and be like, “W(hy)TF didn’t you mention me, I’m awesome!” and I’d be like “OHSHI-”, so basically I’m going to cop out, and say “Sup everyone!”
That works. Do you have any last thoughts you would like to share about the beta? And is there anything you think the guys who will soon be playing just have to see/do/experience?
Hrm… Firing out of the man cannon is a must. Also, VIP is a really fun game type that you should play at least once. Eh… the spartan laser is fun to get a kill with. Also, the best new medal to get is the “Kill from the Grave” one. (ed’s note: You get this medal when you kill someone after you’ve died, usually with a grenade.) It’s so satisfying. :D
I’ve seen that one, it looks 1337. And lastly, what is your favorite part of the beta thus far?
I definitely like the new weapons. They seem much more “balanced” than what we’ve seen in H1/H2 in my opinion. Also, the rankings are pretty awesome. The graphics update is pretty amazing as well.
Thanks for sharing your time and thoughts with me, and putting up with my absurdity. <3 Galador!
No problem

So there you have it. My thoughts on the beta so far, as questioned by Jason/Nofirefrog.

New Design, mb?

Even though I love the current design for my blog, it’s starting to become “more of the same,” and I think it’s just time for a change ‘round these parts. So, over the next few days, you might see a lot of different designs I’m testing out. If any of you readers have any suggestions for Drupal themes you really like, send ‘em my way via comments or something like that.

Also, I’ve disabled the requirement that you have to register a user account in order to post a new comment. However, to combat possible spam, I’ve installed the Akismet spam filter. Hopefully, there won’t be any spam after I allow anonymous comments. So, now you guys have another reason to post moar comments. ;-)

Edit: So, after a very short search, I think I found a new theme that I really like. It’s simple and clean, and I think it’s really nice. What do you people out there in reader-world think? The only problem now is that I need a new logo. :P

The Key

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

This is the Hex code to remember.

It’s the HD-DVD Processing Key for most movies released so far. I was not aware that a string of numbers and letters was copyrightable. Perhaps its just my ignorance but it seems that someone is abusing the DMCA again.

There’s quite a stir on digg about this. Apparently, there’s a “revolution” going on from this single number. Might as well spread it a little bit. :D


Starting yesterday, I had my final tests for this semester of College. So far, I think I’ve done pretty well. I had a biology test, a KPED/HED test (basically health), and a geography test. They were all really easy (at least, I think they were :P), and I hope I did good on ‘em.

Tomorrow, I have a Comp II final, and then the day after, I have a speech final. Strangely enough, I think the speech final is the test I’m worrying about the most. There’s a lot of material that we’ve covered since the last test, so, I don’t know how that’ll turn out.

In other news, me, my roommate, and some friends from the dorm have started a new project. I can’t reveal many details (mainly because they’re not worked out, yet :D), but it does involve some type of filming. We did our “recording session” last night, and it was a blast! The “creative juices” were really flowing last night, and it was very niiice! Be on the lookout for more details in the coming months (hopefully).

That’s about it for now, though. Tune in next time for some more randomness from my life. :P

Woo, Entry!

I know I’ve been a bit lax with the postings lately, but it seems college has caught up with me in the past few weeks. I’ve had four speeches to give, three major papers to write, and countless numbers of tests to take. As such, I’ve been rather busy with college, and not my blog.

Other than college stuff, though, not much has really happened since the last post. Perhaps the only interesting thing was that I helped set up a new Halo clan (woo, nerd :P), whose debut release was fairly well received on High Impact Halo (in case you missed the alt-text of the HIH link to your left, HIH is basically the Halo tricking Mecca on the Intarwebz). You can see the video (it’s of a glitch on the new Halo map, Tombstone, that was recently released) here on Mythica. I did the capturing (along with Spuff), and Brain Virus did the editing. I think it turned out really nicely.

So, I know this post is basically a cop-out post saying I’m still alive and don’t despair, and for that I apologize. I do offer this comic in return, however:

New Drupaly Goodness

Over the past few days, I’ve upgraded Drupal to the newest version available and installed a few new module-y goodness, mainly to work on a project I had. I was inspired by Cullen (of irc.bungie.org fame) to create a list of all the animes that I have seen or want to see. After hacking around with the Content Creation Kit and Views modules, I finally got it to how I wanted it. You can see the sexy final version here.

I like the way it turned out, and if any of you visitors have any suggestions for stuff that I should watch, then leave me a note in the comments. I might extend these module combinations to make a list of movies I’d like to see / have seen.