Regarding Halo 3 and Other Items of Business

OK, so, this place has been severely neglected lately (four entries in roughly two months? For shame!), so I’m going to try and make a resolution to make an entry at least once every three or four days (maybe more, depending on what I find interesting on the ‘tubes). So yeah… that’s the “Other Item of Business.” Now the Halo 3:

As I’m sure you know, roughly two months ago, Halo 3 has been released, and I, being a huge Halo buff (so to speak), I’ve been playing it quite a lot. Beat campaign on Legendary (the highest difficulty, for those of you unaware) on one of my Xbox Live accounts (yes, I have two… if you want to play with me, then you can send a friend request to my “public” gamertag of II galador II [those are capital i’s]), and made “Spartan Officer” on both (reached the rank of Lieutenant). So, as you can tell, I’ve done quite a bit with it.

However, compare me to this guy, and that’s nothing. This guy is already up to General, Grade Four. Now, for those of you who don’t know the Bungie Rating System (that’s mine, so you can see the experience required to level up, as I’m not too terribly high ranked), I will provide a short explanation:

  1. For every game you play and win, you get One Experience Point
  2. If you leave a game, or are otherwise disconnected from the session, then you lose one experience point
  3. When you reach a certain amount of experience, you “rank up” in a system much like that of the US Army (there is some artistic liscense as to what ranks are used and in what order)
  4. Once you reach the level of “Spartan Officer”, in addition to having a requirement for experience, you also have to have reached a certain level in one of the Ranked Playlists (For example, to advance to lieutenant, you have to have a rank of 10 in one of your playlists)

That’s basically how it works. Now, to reach the level of General, Grade Four, you have to have 5000 and a rank of 50 in one of your playlists. Yes, that means you have to win at least 5000 games in order to gain this level of rank. Now, before you go on to say, “Holy crap, that guy must be incredibly good,” then first realize this second fact: the guy cheated to get that high.

What happened here was that this person used a technique called “boosting” to get to such a high rank. Basically, what happens in boosting is to get together some of your friends (or use a guest account[s]), go to a playlist called “Social Doubles” (an unranked playlists where you can bring in guests. There are only four players per match), get one kill, and then have your guests to leave the game, letting you win. Free win for you, no loss of experience for your guests.

This is douchebaggery at its finest. Not only did he cheat to get so high a rank, he did it to get something that has absolutely no value in real life. Good job on wasting a large portion of your life to get a worthless picture next to your name. Good game, man. Well played.

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