I know I’ve been a bit lax with the postings lately, but it seems college has caught up with me in the past few weeks. I’ve had four speeches to give, three major papers to write, and countless numbers of tests to take. As such, I’ve been rather busy with college, and not my blog.
Other than college stuff, though, not much has really happened since the last post. Perhaps the only interesting thing was that I helped set up a new Halo clan (woo, nerd :P), whose debut release was fairly well received on High Impact Halo (in case you missed the alt-text of the HIH link to your left, HIH is basically the Halo tricking Mecca on the Intarwebz). You can see the video (it’s of a glitch on the new Halo map, Tombstone, that was recently released) here on Mythica. I did the capturing (along with Spuff), and Brain Virus did the editing. I think it turned out really nicely.
So, I know this post is basically a cop-out post saying I’m still alive and don’t despair, and for that I apologize. I do offer this comic in return, however: